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29-07-2019 14:02:46

tout a fait papy c'est pour ca que j'est demander de de bannir aux admin principaux ce qu'ils ont fait encore merci

29-07-2019 11:13:09

Bonne réponse , comportement conciliant j'aime.

28-07-2019 21:26:48

Thank you for awereness and solving this little trouble in a positive way, franky.

28-07-2019 18:03:47

following your message and your respect and your apologies I agree to ban you by cons I would also ask you to change the nickname and especially be very careful that it does not happen again thank you in advance

28-07-2019 17:39:32

suite a ton message et a ton respect et  a tes excuses je suis d'accord pour te de bannir par contre je te demanderais aussi de changer de pseudo et surtout fait tres attention que ca ne se reproduise pas merci d'avance

28-07-2019 11:54:45

Good morning or eveving, depends where are you live in bloody Earth!

So, why have I even decided to write on French cz forum without even knowing French? Just wanna hear an opinion of person, who has banned me and why he chosed  that punishment, I mean the objective reason of it.

So, here is my story: I quite rookie player on this server, start playing on it at least week and half.  And most of the time keeping silence, rather in chat or voice because of don't understanding French at all and just don't disturb surrounding with messages, even I wanna speak about something.

And 26th July I got banned in permanent form for writing in chat after being killed with knife: Oh fucking ninja. Yeah, it's quite inappropriate behaviour and phrase, there is no doubt. But everyone get overwhelmed with emotions. I don't wanna try to justify myself, don't think that. Just wanna emphasize on fact that I don't seek to insult or abuse player, who killed me in any form. Just it is teasing rather than insulting (At least I write it for that object).

Maybe, the reason to choose such type of ban is multiplied by my nickname, with is not also aim to any nazi or racist stuff. At least, nobody say to me in chat like: Please. change your nickname" or being kicked by server where are the reason is "Not proper nickname". I was playing on server quite normally with this nickname.

So franky (sorry, if I don't remember your nickname correctly). I wanna here your position on that ban. Maybe you will diminish penalty to 1 month of ban for example or leave it  how it is.

Thanks for the answer in advance. (Sorry for writing everything in English. It's the only foreign language I know and maybe not all members here know it. Hopefully Google Translator don't distort my post)

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